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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Memorial Day BBQ

I know most of you are grilling outside today. NOAA says rain today, but we are going try to sneak in some cooking on the BBQ.
Today it's ribs, turkey breast, and Whole Foods all beef hot dogs (the dogs are a bit pricey but well worth it).
Also hubby will grill veggies for tonight's dinner and I will boil the corn.

While making a delicious meal for today we are gearing up for the week of dinners and lunches as well.

1. This morning I cooked about 15 corn tortillas in my George Foreman Grill. These will be evening snacks with good healthy Costco salsa.

2. I also made a Chicken/pasta salad with Paul Newman's Dressing, can of olives, celery, chicken, pinto beans, and shaved Parmesan Cheese.I add a tablespoon of sugar and a shake or two of basil and oregano. Add salt and pepper to taste.

3. Corn/black bean/fresh salsa with grilled corn, black beans, tomatoes, jalapenos, cumin seeds, lime juice, onion, and salt and pepper to taste. Try to keep the tomatoes and jalapenos the same size as the corn and beans.

4. Blueberry muffins are a must for our mid day snack and breakfast.

5. Yesterday I made a double batch of waffle mix with toasted pecans. I'll add blueberries to these for breakfast and topping it with real maple syrup.

I long for retirement days where I don't have to plan for the week. Maybe just eat a veggie dinner straight from our garden. Hubby said when he was a kid sometimes they would eat a dozen ears of corn, cucumbers, and sliced tomatoes for dinner.

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